Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ghost Blaster weapon from the planet Creepton

This is a weapon that I modeled on Friday. I watched a tutorial on Sci-Fi Weapon modeling here: Right now I am in the process of adding details and then I will unwrap to texture. Here is a quick render

Here is a really quick render with some textures and color just so I can get an idea of where I want to go next for details and decals. This was rendered in keyShot.
I made a few more changes and added a lot of little detail. Next step is to make a low poly version that is good for game engines. These next two pictures are just quick renders in keyshot so I can see what more needs to be done.

I am now in the process of baking the high poly onto the low poly as a normal map.
There are a few problems I have faced that I do not want to forget. 
1. make sure that there are no extra verts, it will show itself by having parts of the cage be out of line.
2. make sure all the high poly details are joined, ( Panels, screws, attachments of any kind). And then turn the mesh into a editable mesh with no other modifiers stacked.
3. make sure the cage is not penetrating the mesh.
That is about it so far.

NEW updates. I think I am calling it finished. The first image is game res model and second shows the maps I used.

 These images are rendered with the high poly model, just having some fun in KeyShot.