Thursday, July 28, 2011

Portrait Painting

My first portrait painting. It was fun to do this assignment because it was new and challenging. There are some things I still need to do to make it better though.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Creature Design

My new project is creating a creature. We pulled out of a hat three attributes that the creature should posses. My was that it lived in a rainforest, that one of it's strengths was hearing, and last that it was considered a graceful creature. The graceful part was a bit difficult because I do not get why some animals are graceful while others are not. Giraffes for example are considered graceful...who knew? So the creative process begins with sketches followed by quick illustrations so that you can next build the creature in clay. After it is in clay then it is created in a 3D modeling program called maya and finished off in mudbox. From there I may put it in photoshop and make a final illustration or rig it for a animation.  This whole process is new to me and it has been fun so far. I hope to continue with this type of stuff. I am not too sure I have the talent to do this as a career but I would love to do this as a hobby.

First image is the sketches and quick illustration.
 The top hat gentleman is for scale. 
 This one is the armature made of wood, floral wire, armature wire, tinfoil, and plumbers putty.

 The next series is the clay model before it is baked.

 coming soon...painted sculpture, 3d model, final illustration.

 I painted this with acrylics. It was fun to paint. I wish I had put more time into it.

Update 8-7-2011
This is a turntable video of the the creature in 3D.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Light and Dark

My painting project was to create a painting to show extreme light. I chose a lightning scene because of the powerful flash it creates in a dark night. It was fun to create this one. I am still slow at painting so this one took me a long time. Oil on canvas, 36x24