Thursday, September 19, 2013

I wanted to work with VRay some more so I made a quick model of a chair.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Exterior Scene

I am doing another Digital Tutors making an exterior scene of a house.
The biggest problem I am having is getting rid of bright reflection speckles.

I couldn't really figure it out yet but here is a final image fixed with photoshop.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Architectural Rendering

Posting this image here to host for a digital tutors contest. My progress can be seen here WIP.

Finished Render

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Big-Wheel-Nerf Action Vehicle

My wife and I were messing around with game asset ideas and after about an hour it had evolved into a game of riding around on a big-wheel bike with nerf type guns attached to it. So I went with it. I used those two things as a starting point and made a quick sketch.  There will be two identical guns in the front attached to the wheel and one gun mounted on the back. They will shoot discs (Eco friendly of course) that are fed to the guns by large ammo boxes that are easily replaced at refill stations. Also the front guns are detachable by releasing the clips. The guns are shot by triggers that are on the handle bars (works the same as a common bike brake). That is about as far as I got.
Just finished the vehicle shapes. I might change up the handle bars though.

AO for the bike.
AO for the front gun.
Front guns are now mounted with ammo box.
Back gun is finished and low poly version made.

Friday, June 28, 2013

RC Car model

I decided to do another digital tutors tutorial so I can learn more tricks to modeling. This is a quick model that took me a couple days to do. It is a remote control car I call "The Eagle". I am planning on texturing it with an eagle in mind! Here is the ambient occlusion render.
Here is a quick render with basic materials added.
I added some textures today and some lettering. Maybe I will add more another time.
Final render.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Female Game Character

So I am now making a Female Game Character that is modeling test for an internship at ArenaNet. So far I am in the process of making the female model in ZBrush. I am thinking she is a little too buff for a woman, but I mean seriously, if you wielded a sword all day slaying monsters wouldn't she have a buff arm? Well maybe ill tone it down a bit. Here is a snap shot.

Of course I need to fix the head, hands, chest, legs, and feet. Those are next.
I got more detail in. I took it in maya and made the ears, nose, and eyes. Then I brought it back into Zbrush to project the sculpted tool onto the maya model.

This image is rendered from maya.
Then These are snap shots from ZBrush

Here is a quick render of the armor shapes that I made in Maya which will then be sculpted in ZBrush for the details.
Here are the final renders. First one is the Detailed Zbrush render, the second one is the Maya rendered one. I could do a lot more work to them, just didn't have enough time.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ghost Blaster weapon from the planet Creepton

This is a weapon that I modeled on Friday. I watched a tutorial on Sci-Fi Weapon modeling here: Right now I am in the process of adding details and then I will unwrap to texture. Here is a quick render

Here is a really quick render with some textures and color just so I can get an idea of where I want to go next for details and decals. This was rendered in keyShot.
I made a few more changes and added a lot of little detail. Next step is to make a low poly version that is good for game engines. These next two pictures are just quick renders in keyshot so I can see what more needs to be done.

I am now in the process of baking the high poly onto the low poly as a normal map.
There are a few problems I have faced that I do not want to forget. 
1. make sure that there are no extra verts, it will show itself by having parts of the cage be out of line.
2. make sure all the high poly details are joined, ( Panels, screws, attachments of any kind). And then turn the mesh into a editable mesh with no other modifiers stacked.
3. make sure the cage is not penetrating the mesh.
That is about it so far.

NEW updates. I think I am calling it finished. The first image is game res model and second shows the maps I used.

 These images are rendered with the high poly model, just having some fun in KeyShot.