My wife and I were messing around with game asset ideas and after about an hour it had evolved into a game of riding around on a big-wheel bike with nerf type guns attached to it. So I went with it. I used those two things as a starting point and made a quick sketch. There will be two identical guns in the front attached to the wheel and one gun mounted on the back. They will shoot discs (Eco friendly of course) that are fed to the guns by large ammo boxes that are easily replaced at refill stations. Also the front guns are detachable by releasing the clips. The guns are shot by triggers that are on the handle bars (works the same as a common bike brake). That is about as far as I got.
Just finished the vehicle shapes. I might change up the handle bars though.
AO for the bike.
AO for the front gun.
Front guns are now mounted with ammo box.
Back gun is finished and low poly version made.