Thursday, December 20, 2012

Art Studio

I have started an interior model of a personal art studio. I am making a lot of models for this room so it has been taking me awhile. I have been using 3ds Max to model them in, mostly because I want some practice using the program. I am beginning to really like this program better than Maya for modeling. The way the modeling tools are set up seems to make more sense than Maya's settings.
So far I only have a few things done but here are some recent AO renders.

Also I through in few free models I got from magazines. They include the couch, sunflowers, Plant, cup, spoon, plate, and teacup.

This next image shows how my computer desk design works. Hopefully someday I will build it.
I will post more as I go.
Cords Cords Cords Cords.
It has been a few days and Christmas is over but I managed to get a few more models done.

Slowly getting this added, next step it to get some textures on them.

I am now doing the textures. But I am having a hard time with the floor. I am currently using 3Ds Max 2013. I am using a couple plugins from called floor generator and multitexture map. The problem I face is that I need VRay. So I downloaded the demo and come to find out it only works in Max 2012. I have both, 2012 and 2013. What I did was make the floor an obj so I can open it in Max 2012. Now what I am wondering if there is good way to bake the VRay floor texture on the obj so I can open it in Max 2013 and have it render with the rest of the scene in Mental Ray. I hope I figure this out soon. I attempted to bake a floor texture already and it froze my comp. Not sure what I will do now. I think I will post my problem on a few forums. But at the moment this image will show what I have done so far. 
I need to fix the table wood. Also the solid colors will all change; those are just default colors assigned by the program.

Well so far this is what I Have come up with on the floor. 

I am still experimenting with the floor but at the moment I have the floor as a polished concrete. Also I am trying to make the illuminating desk look realistic. I am not sure how convincing it is.

Most recent:

Fixed many lighting issues, and this is what I came up with.

Finally had some time to work on this again. I got that mysterious light in the back fixed.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dream Animal

I have been practicing more with ZBrush so that I can increase my technical skills. I had a dream a long time ago about this creature that was purple with pink dots. In the dream I was in a house talking to someone and suddenly I saw this creature bouncing past the window. I was so curious to know what it was that I came to the window then it stopped in its path to turn around and glare at me with its dark horse like eyes. Then it turned back around and continued on its path. I am not sure if I have seen this creature in real life, so I decided to make a model of it.

Here are some quick concept sketches of it.

Here is a test render. This one was rendered in maya with mentalray.
And here is a link to the turntable.
Here are the texture sheets.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Another project I am currently working on is a motorcycle. I am using realistic parts but the design is purely conceptual. It is going slowly mostly because it is a little difficult to find useful blueprints for motorcycle parts. At this moment I have the basic design down and the frame in the works.

Here is some photos.
This one is a photo reference to get the basic shape modeled.

This one is a render test of the frame.
I am getting very close to finishing the Engine. It is not exactly like the the engines that actually exist  but its pretty close. Here are a couple renders.

I decided to do a quickly render check on the main body to see if it coming together well. If anyone actually reads this and sees something that needs attention please leave a reply. I like constructive critique.
Soon final renders will be coming.
update 6/28/2012:

Monday, May 28, 2012

Basement Remodel

It has been awhile since my last post mostly due to crazy life events that sorta takes up all your free time. But I am back and ready to show what my current project is. Right now I am redesigning a basement of my in-laws. I have all the freedom I want with creating this. I have the basic floor plan laid out and some of the furniture and other items finished. I will post some screen shots to show the progress.

This first image is a quick 3D view of how the layout is. 

These next few images are of the furniture I will be using. All of these are modeled and textured using Maya and Photoshop and rendered in KeyShot.

This image is an Ambient Occlusion of the water heater and freezer.
Here is a render with the water heater

Here is a render with the Freezer
Now I am working on getting some storage shelves and stuff like that.
Here is a bed, still a wip.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

This is a painting I did for the announcement of or son.